The Warp Zone!

Enter the wormhole and warp around the page!


Hello! Let me tell you some things about myself. I'm Romanian, I like music and conspiracy theories. I love studying theology and also (althrough in smaller measure) philosophy. I do programming, play games, read books and I even play an instrument! Basically just your average joe. I'm a pretty awkward guy, although I am very open with my friends. Currently I'm still a student and still don't know what to do with my life in terms of careers and such (╥﹏╥). I'm also very lazy, I constantly procrastinate. For example, at the time of writing this, this page is almost 2 years old and I have yet to get part 50% completion of the about page alone!! Anyhow, this site is a passion project I guess, I thought one day "Why not make a site" so I just made it, that's how it often is with me, just doing stuff for the heck of it.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.


I play the bass, although not a lot. I think there's just something about the tone and the way bass sounds that makes me like it a lot, especially in certain bass-centric songs and even bands (i.e. R.H.C.P., Muse etc.). I'm pretty bad at it but I hope I can get better.

I made some music around 2019, it's not great or high effort, I don't think I spent more than 30 minutes to make any song. But it's something I enjoyed and might do again sometime.

Favourite Media

My favourite bands have to be Luxury ☦, RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS and
System Of A Down. Despite the fact that critics love to shit on their newer releases most people agree that they are great bands that make great music.

Other than that I mainly listen to all kinds of rock and metal, Aerosmith, The Beatles, Metallica and some other shit.
I also love Romanian orchestral music and traditional music, world renowned George Enescu for example, everyone must listen to the Romanian Rhapsody at least once in their life, it's truly beautifull.